Thursday, April 3, 2014

Codes Fusion: Setup newest Hadoop 2.x (2.2.0) on Ubuntu

Codes Fusion: Setup newest Hadoop 2.x (2.2.0) on Ubuntu: In this tutorial I am going to guide you through setting up hadoop 2.2.0 environment on Ubuntu. Prerequistive $ sudo apt-get install op...

Some notes:

1. If multiple java version are installed and default version isn't 1.7, use following command to manually switch to 1.7.
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java

2. When running, lots of exception like: Could not resolve hostname *: Name or service not known.

After add following to /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/, problem solved. Solution is found from here.
export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_INSTALL/lib"

3. DataNode is not started.
I encountered this because I formatted namenode twice before I started the service. After I delete the current folder under the namenode and datanode, and again format the namenode, all services are started successfully.

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